Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bad blogger! Bad! Bad!

My apologies to my three loyal fans out there. I haven't been feeling very blog-worthy lately. But the whole point of this thing is to force myself to write every day, so that's what I'm doing right now.

It's 12:33 A.M. on Friday (Saturday) and I'm sitting at home after a very exciting evening of lamb shawarma, Season 4 of Alias on DVD, a load of laundry, and the beginning of a reading for class. I'm trying to get over a persistent cold and not feeling very New York-y tonight.

But here are a few highlights from my last couple of days:

*My first belly dancing class;
*a salsa dance lesson with the NYU ballroom dance team (a group of people I never quite felt obliged to know as an undergrad, but now appreciate that such a thing exists);
*the Lower East Side Price is Right (with a woman wearing pixie ears as Bob Barker, an obese drunken cross-dresser and a homely pale mustached girl as Bob's "lovely" assistants), an event that goes down monthly at Mo Pitkin's;
*last weekend in Boston with the fam;
*biking all over town and remembering that most drivers have a deep-seated antagonism towards anything that can't go as fast as their cars;
*coming to the realization that even though people (professors, intellectuals, peers) expect you to be reading everything, there's barely enough time to get through the newspaper most days so I don't see how people can be so well-read unless they never sleep, eat or socialize;
*Lawrence Wright, Gay Talese, and Ron Suskind (all on separate occasions through the Distinguished Speaker Series at the j-school):

...and probably lots of other things that don't seem that important at now 12:57 am on a Friday (Saturday). Oh, and I just realized that my apartment building is Party Central on the weekend, making my seemingly peaceful room over the courtyard fountain a conduit to all kinds of celebratory sounds in the late evening hours. I've already invested in a box of earplugs. But what do you do when the sound goes through those? Horse tranquilizers?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ms. suzanne:

we must have a meetup soonish.

life is crazy here for me as well with work and grad school--do you remember nora (grenoble asst) and elizabeth(grenoble assistant from mississippi--blonde hair)? they are both in the NYC area now...we discussed getting together sometime in the fall if you're down.

good luck!

1:53 PM  

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